Alexandre Gauguet
Maitre de conférences, HDR
Laboratoire IRSAMC-LCAR
Université de Toulouse, Department of Physics
Phone: +33 5 61 55 60 32
I am an associate professor (maître de conférences) in the area of ultra-cold atoms optics. My research focuses on the use of atom interferometers to realize precision measurements. I currently lead two projects one based on developing an atom interferometer with a large arm separation for applications in fundamental physics, the other on a very compact ultra-cold atom source for applications in quantum sensors.
I did my PHD at SYRTE in the group of Arnaud Landragin where I characterized a cold atom gyroscope based on a dual-atom-interferometer. I demonstrated a quantum-limited dual atom interferometer and I studied the systematics related to the atom beam-splitters. I then spent two years as a post-doc at Durham University in the group of Charles Adams where we demonstrated strong cooperative optical non-linearity arising from interactions between Rydberg atoms.
I joined the group of Jacques Vigué in Toulouse in 2010. We used a lithium atom interferometer to study curiosities in quantum physics (geometrical phase shift, matter waves beat notes, decoherence).
Since 2013, I head the atom interferometer team. We develop a new atom interferometer exploiting BEC and optical lattices for applications either in fundamental and applied physics.