Bruno Peaudecerf
Chargé de Recherche CNRS
Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III
Laboratoire Collisions - Agrégats - Réactivité
118 Route de Narbonne (Bat. 3R4)
31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
Tel.: + 33 5 61 55 83 39
email: bruno.peaudecerf [AT] [DOT] fr
My research currently focusses on the use of ultracold atoms in time-modulated optical lattices for quantum simulations. They allow an exquisite level of control on the parameters of the quantum systems, making them ideal for the experimental realisation of model Hamiltonians. Of particular interest to me is the use of phase and amplitude modulation in these systems to realise topologically non trivial dynamics.
I did my PhD work under supervision of Serge Haroche in the Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics team at the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB) in Paris between 2009-2013. During this time we demontrated the first real-time
feedback loop on a quantum system, the light-field in a cavity. We used the real-time control capabilities we developed to also perform adaptive quantum measusrements of the photon number in the
In 2014 I joined as a postdoc the team of Prof Stefan Kuhr at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (UK), which is when I started working on
quantum simulaitons with ultracold atoms. In a new experimental setup, we demonstrated for the first time the imaging of fermions in a quantum gas microscope. We further developped several
techniques in order to be able to study strongly degenerate Fermi gases in this setup.
At the start of 2019, I moved back to France and worked in the team led by Tarik Yefsah and Christophe Salomon in the Ultracold Fermi Gases group at LKB. Our goal was to exploit the tool of quantum gas microscope for the study of strongly interacting fermionic
In the course of 2019 I was recruited as a Chargé de Recherches for the CNRS, and I joined the Cold Atoms team in Toulouse in January 2020.